California, as everyone knows, receives virtually all of its precipitation during a few fall and winter months and in 2019, some early rain and snowstorms promised...
Gov. Gavin Newsom devoted most of his State of the State address this month to California’s ever-growing crisis of homelessness, outlining a broad new approach and pledging that...
Senate Bill 10, passed by the Legislature and signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown in 2018, violated one of the unwritten rules of making public policy in...
A crisis, it’s been said, is a terrible thing to waste. Stanford economist Paul Romer coined the phrase in 2004 in referring to the nation’s waning...
When Jerry Brown returned to the governorship in 2011, he faced what he called a “wall of debt” from years of severe economic recession and deficit-riddled...
The more or less official rationale offered by the state’s Democratic politicians for moving our presidential primary election to March 3 was that the nation’s most...
Somewhere along the way, California’s public schools became enamored with the notion that all students will — or at least should — acquire degrees from four-year...
Gavin Newsom came into the governorship a year ago having made many promises to accomplish great things, or as he put it, “big hairy, audacious goals.”...
Kenneth and Mandy Henderson have given a new dimension to marital togetherness. Two years ago, a disability claim filed by Mandy Henderson, a lieutenant in the...
The beating heart of California’s massive system of capturing, storing and distributing water is the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Water flows into the West’s largest estuary from...